Monday, May 4, 2009

Characteristic of certain people...

It's kinda weird for certain people. They tend to think the other way round. Then they told us that they thought we think this way, which is OBVIOUSLY not true, and they start to merajuk. They themselves make their own assumptions and later blamed us for what they thought we were thinking. I really don't understand what were on their mind!


  1. Aiya,..juz remember wat i live not to please ppl but u live for yourself. just say u manage to please certain ppl, u can't take it for granted that u can pleased the ppl around's human is ever 100% perfect.even couple also need understanding and tolerance

  2. yup yup what anonymous said is absolutely true!!!follow that!!

  3. Hey I just bumped into your blog.

    This people you are talking about is absolutely shallow. They just think whatever they want, and assume it's true. And if it's otherwise you're the one at fault. This kind of person is not worth your attention.
