Wednesday, March 14, 2012

having headache, but still kena marah!! TT

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Sometimes, I really wonder.....
Even if you treat them so good, you get nothing!!
Why must I suffer myself and get myself into trouble????
Just because I want to help the people I care, I get myself into trouble???
Is it worth it???
They don't even know I'm the one who suffers!!
They don't even know they are the reason behind my sadness!!
If I think about their problems, I keep finding solutions to minimize their sufferings, would they ever think about mine???! Would they EVER know????

What should I do this time???

I couldn't tell him that he can no longer stay here 'cause they don't want a guy living with them! That's ridiculous!!!
I also couldn't tell her to live with them, all by herself! Not after what I know what her conditions are! She couldn't even sleep at night with a slight sound of chairs moving, let alone stay in a house with strangers!!~
I couldn't tell them that they can't stay at this house anymore just because they don't want a guy living with them!!
I just want a room, with a toilet, with affordable price and everyone lives happily!! Is that too much to ask for???

WHAT SHOULD I DO?????! SOMEONE, HELP ME!!!~ 我真的不知道要怎么做了~~ 两边都是我的好朋友!!